Chumleigh’s Central Casting
“Giving the World the Business Since 1980”

Only the Finest Vaudeville Entertainers, Musicians, and Actor/tresses for Stage, Screen, and Events
Site under construction and updated frequently.

Entertainers, Complete Production and Theme Event Planning

Sound System, Lighting Rentals

Our Founder and Supreme Spiritual Leader, Reverend Chumleigh

R. Chumleigh is a New Vaudeville legend who performs throughout the civilized world and in the Dominion of Canada. Comfortable in any persona and historical period, Chumleigh is capable of filling any length of time from a minute to his critically acclaimed two hour one man show. Chumleigh’s no lowdown standup. His specialty is grumpy comic anarchistic diatribe in the tradition of Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, and Groucho Marx, but punctuated with Silly Stunts and Audience Involvement. WARNING It is a matter of great personal pride to Chumleigh that he DOES NOT JUGGLE nor does he need to, but he can provide hours of walk around ambiance in any theme and a completely harmless straight variety or circus performance without any satirical content whatsoever.

Does Chumleigh’s Talent Defy Description? You decide!
Click Below for:
Portland Oregonian Review
Portland Maine Review
Death Defying Under Water Escape! jpg
Tightrope Workshop jpg
Straight Jacket Escape from 50 feet in the Air! jpg
Letter of Recommendation from Imago
Countless Other Deliriously Satisfied
theatrical, college, and corporate References
on Request!

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